GM case

This is an online e-log platform to discuss case scenario of a patient with their guardians permission. I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of patient clinical data analysis to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including, history, clinical findings,investigations,and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. CASE: 17 year female came with the complaints of vomitings and loose stools since 1week CHIEF COMPLAINTS: Vomitings since 10 days Loose stools since 10 days Fever since 3 days HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic One week back, then she developed loose stools and vomitings. Loose stools:- 4-5episodes, water in consistency, non foul smelling, no blood tinged. Vomitings:- 4-5 episodes, non projectile, non bilious,non foul smelling contents include food particles,Which subsided on ...